Well Michelle and I are just full of ideas. I seem to talk alot about michelle. Maybe because she is just so brilliant. Anywho. Seeings as I am heading away for a year I wanted to seriously begin journal writing. We then decided to come up with a brief template that we have to fill in daily and send to each other. "The Travelling Template". That way we shall know what is going on in the land of each others existence. We are both thrilled about the idea. We already started it as we could not wait. The template is as follows:
My first thought this morning was:
The weather today was:
I wore:
My favourite part of the day was:
The best thing I ate today was:
I saw:
Current crush (other than Johnny):
My musical experience of the day:
My day can be summed up by this word:
PS: (max. one sentence)
See you in _____________.
Its quick, easy and fun and will be such a laugh to look back on.
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