Brianna came across this photo in one of her old albums. Every time we look at it we burst out laughing and don't stop. I do not really remember this but I am sure we were having such fun!
Anita use to live up the road from us and we made great childhood memories in our cosy little cul-de-sac of Badenoch Ave.
Anita had obviously stolen all the "good" dress ups first and left Bri and myself to rummage through the duds. Hence Brianna resorting to a basket on her head and Me ...What on earth is on my head?! I can just imagine them both saying to me "Put this sheet over your face...yeah that looks better!"
I might get Anita to show me how to apply make-up more often.
I am glad someone took the time to capture this.
How I Miss those days, the house full of the neighbourhood kids! Street Christmas parties, camping holidays, halloweens!!! I loved being a mum in those days xoxo
oh man thats hilarious. i was at work when i read this and started pissing myself! and it was dead quite. the agents must think im a freak!!!!
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