Now, I want to introduce you to my dear roommate Emily. She is perhaps up there with some of the coolest people I know. She has been a little non-existent over the last month but came back to London and stayed a whole week before returning back to her family for the summer. It did not take us long to get into the shared interest of the guitar. Emily used her creativity to make a capo out of electrical tape whilst I whipped out ‘Ashton’ and we began learning “Lady in Spain” by Ingrid Michaelson for three. whole. hours. driving Megan partially insane. It turns out that Megan does not like that song at all and was trying to sleep at 2am. I mean, who sleeps at 2am... We were banished to the boys’ room where we continued our jam session. We were busting out harmonies, by ‘we’ I mean Emily and when Mike got home we serenaded him to sleep. We then went and climbed into bed chatting like giddy school girls till early hours of the morning. Unfortunately, our lack of sleep resulted in a little rudeness to our lovely guest, Jeremy. I am not fully aware of what was said that morning but it did involve refusing a suggestion to join him for a breakfast outing before heading home to Sydney. I do apologise Jeremy.

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