So it’s not a good thing that I did not get work for three days straight but I could not help but enjoy spending the days at home with Mike and Emily acting like we were in a retirement village. We would wake up late, play cards, spend an hour preparing a gourmet lunch, eat lunch, play more cards, lie on the rug and possibly squeeze in a nap. Every activity would revolve around this making of the lunch. Mike even arranged the tomato and avocado slices in an artistic way. We would then wander down to the newly built apartments and inquire about a possible investment. In Mike’s Hawaiian shirt and flip flops the agent may not have been convinced that he owned £500,000.
Although I will say that we were also productive. We pulled apart our bed and helped Mike saw it so that it now fits tightly into the crevasse. When we had successfully finished the job we all cried the classic Mike line “he’s done it, he’s only gone and done it!” We now have ample space and our room has become the second lounge room. We are thinking about getting couches, putting in a kitchen and cutting a door to the bathroom so we won’t ever have to leave the bedroom!
(photos will come when and if I clean my room)